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What is Where Do You Read? all about?
WDYR offers a place for book clubs to keep all their records and information, and communicate with their members in one convenient location. It's like having a private web page for your club.

How does that work?
You become a member by logging in and then create a club with a unique ID. That ID is given to the other members of your book club so they can join with the password you provide them. The creator of the club is automatically the manager, allowing them to edit club information and member status. Other members can also be designated as additional managers of the club. Any member is able to post comments on the forum as well as the "Member to Member" pages.

Also, by logging in as a club member, you automatically become a member of the virtual WDYR club and can read and post comments in the book selection forum. You can also contribute to the "Readers to Readers" page with interesting information about your book club and share ideas or experiences with other clubs.

What benefits are there for my club?
You can keep all your club's information on your own private web page that is easily and conveniently accessible to all the members, anytime. Keep a record of the books you've read and how you rated them. Each club has a forum for their current book selection (watch for the spoiler alert on any postings that might give something away!). Also post your personal communications between club members to be seen ONLY BY YOUR PRIVATE CLUB.

What if I'm not a member of a reading group?
There is always a current selection that you can read or post comments on in the WDYR club. You can also join in on postings on the "Readers to Readers" page. See what other readers are reading and recommending.

What if I need help using this site?
If you are unsure of what to do on any page, click on the 'help' link at the top right of the page. The help is specific for the page you're on.

How do I change the Meeting Date and Time, or the Next book for our club?
The club manager can easily change any info about the club. Just follow these steps:

  • Log in and click on the 'Your Clubs' tab
  • Click on the name of the club you want to modify (you probably only have one, but could have more.)
  • Click on the 'Manage Club' tab. Only club managers will see this tab.
  • Click on 'Click here to change the club information'
  • You can change any club info here. Be sure to click the 'Save' button when you're finished.

Any other questions?? Please contact us and we will be glad to answer them!


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